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Jeongseon 1 by topic of Moon Sun-myung's words

Blessings and Ideal Families

New Country Edition / 770 pp. / Published September 28, 1987

book introduction

It is a book that selects and binds the words about a blessed marriage and an ideal family, which is the most important of the words of the true parents. It contains the value of a blessed marriage viewed as more than the creation of heaven's parents and the words necessary for humans to form a true couple relationship and achieve an ideal family through the process of growth.

While opening this book,

Now, it feels like the 滿開 of "Speak" is opening. Teacher Moon Seon-myung always sits down and speaks, stands up and preaches, as if he were pouring out all his thoughts that he has brought over his life. As if someone urged you to speak, you constantly continue your life with words so that if you don't, you might be punished by heaven.
It is said that this summer, in the 'Morning Garden' on the coast of Boston in the United States, he didn't go out to the sea and said everything except for the time he had to go to his seat. After the meal, he started talking busily, and while sitting there, he continued to talk for four hours and five hours without knowing that time went by, and I saw the messenger marveled.
It was like that this time during the Sunday service on August 23rd. I was watching the Sunday service in Belvedere, and my teacher said the sermon from 6 a.m. to 2 a.m. for a full eight hours. It may be the first time in history that he will continue his Sunday sermon for eight hours.
On October 8, 1976, it was a very tight time for Pastor Lee Yo-han and I to greet each other in the East Garden, saying, "I have to go back to Seoul now," because I attended the Washington Monument Grand Rally (a convention commemorating the 200th anniversary of the founding of the United States).
Even now, I often use the title 'Cain and Abel' to convey the words at large and small rallies. In fact, you told me to apply it in real life, but I can't apply it in real life, but I'm only working on it.
Every time the teacher says, no, every word is so serious and urgent that it cannot be changed for 10 million won. Among the words contained in the book, these words are collected, and among the words contained in the book, a book is now made by sorting out the contents of many items by subject, and this book is the first book and valuable content.
So what do we see here and what do we feel.

1. In life, everyone runs into some kind of problem. That's why I'm looking for an answer. If there is only one person at that time or if he is not close to my body in time and space, many of his writings (著述) are easily accessible. This time, however, it is impossible to know where the specific problem is concentrated. In order to relieve the frustration, it was decided to select all the major meaningful problems by subject from among the vast words, and tried to do the work. The first fruit of the attempt is this <blessing and ideal family>. It's almost like you're dealing with a logical academic book or a religious dictionary.
2. In the meantime, the understanding of a particular problem has been partial or inclined only to the side of interest, but this book reveals that it is comprehensive and clear, so you can know something outside of your mind, and your subsequent practice can be significantly corrected and supplemented. For example, the issue of blessing is one such thing.
3. When the problem is viewed only in parts, it may sometimes seem leaps and bounds empty, but it can be confirmed that it is logical, planned, and very practical by gathering only the words about it.
4. When you thoroughly look at the part of this book and judge what you didn't feel the need for because it was vague, it will make you feel the need and self-confidence rise. For example, you will experience such changes, such as work on evangelism and blessings.
5. It may have been perceived as distracting by listening to different topics in different places at different times, but reading this book, which focuses on the same things, will generally lead to the same plot and be impressed by each other.
6. In particular, through this book, you will see that blessings are the beginning, the end, the core of man's life, and the purpose of God's creation.

This book will be the first time that it has been necessary and useful to everyone by classifying and revealing up to 40 books of Moon Sun-myung's words by subject.
Those who have access to this book today are truly blessed.


Chapter 1 Creation Ideals and the Love of Men and Women

Section 1 Creation Ideals and Degradation of Man
1. God's will and son-in-law's expectations are complete.
2. Realizing Creation Ideals Through Love
3. The purpose of creating Adam Haewa.
4. Growing up with Adam's Sea
5. Starting Point of Individual Completion and Love
6. Creation through Adam's Sea and the Ideal World
7. The Fall of Adam with the Sea
8. the consequences of depravity
9. If Adam Haewa hadn't fallen,
Section 2 True Love between a Man and a Woman
1. Changjo's natural love for men and women.
2. The reason why men and women were born
3. an absolute necessity for each other
4. Love comes from the other.
5. a true view of reason
6. Man is Zizo, woman is an incision.
7. There is no progress or revolution in love.
8. Love is an extremely natural thing.
Section 3 True Marriage and True Love
1. the significance of marriage
2. Why are you getting married?
3. a true view of marriage
4. changes in adolescence and the timing of marriage
5. Study and Marriage
6. adolescence and first love
7. You have to be in sync with your body.
8. The completion of true love.
9. the privilege of true love
Section 4 The phenomenon of the end of life centered on love.
1. What time is it going to end?
2. a late-life phenomenon—the depravity of youth
3. the identity of Satan at the end
4. Global Dividedness and the Unification Movement
5. Youth Affairs and the Unification Church
6. The Movement of True Love and the Church of Unity
7. the center of one's wish at the end

Chapter 2 True Parents and the Family of God

Section 1 Jesus and Blessing
1. Who is the messiah?
2. Jesus and Blessing
3. the original Jesus
4. As far as Jesus is concerned.
5. Jesus' Blessing and Christian Thought
Section 2 Young Yang Festival and First Resurrection
1. Realization of God's Ideal through Lamb Feast
2. the significance of a lamb feast
3. Children's feast is held on earth.
4. Why has religion emphasized single life?
5. First, a person who will participate in the revival.
Section 3 True Parents and True Children
1. What kind of person is a true parent?
2. the wishes of the true parents as a whole
3. True parents are the center of historical hope.
4. Human history is about welcoming true parents.
5. false parents and true parents
6. what the Unification Church claims
7. To be the son and daughter of a true parent,
8. We need to return to our lost feelings.
9. a historic day of wishes
Section 4 Restoration based on assumptions
1. the wish of a fallen man
2. the ultimate goal of returning to the country
3. a home-centered return.
4. the presumption of a return
5. To be the assumption of a return,
6. True Familyism and True Parental Religion

Chapter 3 Significance and Value of Blessing

Section 1 Fundamental Principles of common sorts
1. Why we need a messiah.
2. the true meaning of rebirth
3. the meaning of a transition of bloodlines
4. If you want to live in the common,
Section 2 Origins of common sorts and blessings
1. the transition of blood through the Israelis
2. the history of common sorts through Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
3. A history of common sorts through true parents and true children.
4. a blessing on the site of historical sacrifice
5. Blessing Day is a day of historical wish fulfillment.
Section 3 Meaning and Value of Blessing
1. the significance of blessings
2. the value of blessing
3. Why should I be blessed?
4. Who blesses you?
5. Blessing is for the whole universe.
6. the reason for holding a joint wedding
Section 4 Conditions for cancellation to receive blessings
1. Conditions of Resurrection and Cancellation
2. You have to set your own conditions for cancellation.
3. To get out of the Satan sphere
4. Expectations to receive blessings
5. a condition of write-off to receive a blessing
6. a period of write-off to be blessed
7. Training Course and 7-Day Fasting
8. three children of faith
9. the original standard of blessing
10. Eligibility criteria to be blessed
11. the only qualification to be blessed
12. Beliefs and postures that we should have.


Section 1 Determination of the relative of blessings
1. Who decides who will be blessed?
2. Don't decide on your own opponent.
3. What should I do to meet my ideal partner?
4. Pair is bound to be somewhere.
5. a relatively created man and woman
6. the beauty of women and the charm of men
7. Woman and Makeup
8. Love is never allowed.
Section 2 Pairing Criteria and Our Postures
1. The perspective of my parents.
2. You have to be in harmony with the poles.
3. Ideal balance with the four types of human beings.
4. You have to be able to cross the "Gogae of the Eye".
5. Those who want to get lower will get higher.
6. a condition that is more important than one's academic background
7. Marriage should be done for future generations.
8. the hard work of my parents for engagement.
Section 3 Engagement Cases
1. Case 1: A person who prays for himself
2. Case 2: Photo marriage
3. Case 3: The story of a couple
4. Case 4: A woman with a disability
5. Case 5: Three elite Americans
6. Case 6: The belief of a Korean flower egg missionary
7. Case 7: Blessing for the return of cancellation
8. Case 8: What happened during the engagement of 6,000 couples

Section 4 Process of Blessing and Its Significance

1. the significance of an engagement ceremony
2. The Establishment and Significance of Seongju-Sik
3. the significance of Seongju's transfer
4. the entry and return of a male woman
5. the significance of a blessing ceremony
6. 40-day write-off period
7. a write-down event and a three-day event
8. Three years of blessing, Dongwon's labor.
9. Blessing is the last way.
Chapter 5 Official Roads to Completion
Section 1 Official Labor Relations for 7 Years of Completion
1. Seven years of labor to write off the three generations at once.
2. The Rebellion of the Seven Years and the Seven Years of Labor
3. A blessed seat is not a completed seat.
4. 7 Years of Labor to Return to Parental Position
5. a seven-year period for the cancellation of the spirit and the broiler.
6. My parents' 7 years of labor and my children's 7 years of labor.
7. 7 years of individual labor and 7 years of family labor.
8. a time of family completion
9. a woman who should be at the forefront of providence
Section 2 Sharing of Children's Responsibilities for Reinvention
1. the conditions necessary for reinvention
2. our activities for reinvention
3. Training to inherit the love rights of true parents
4. Reasons for business activities
5. content that can wail God
6. the significance of one-man evangelism per month
7. ground training for spiritual life
Section 3 Return to the Home through the Three Children of Faith
1. three children of faith
2. If you don't have eight family members, you can't come back.
3. Forming a Family through the Three Children of Faith
4. an official drive to return to the home.
5. the relationship between a child of faith and a direct child
6. To put yourself in the position of a returning parent
7. The mission of the parents of faith and the formula of love.

Chapter VI Gender and Blessing Family of Parents

Section 1 Gender Equality of Parents and 7 Years of Labor
1. a holy wedding at the peak of hardship and persecution
2. the parents' holy wedding ceremony where they found the three disciples first.
3. a time when parents are responsible for pioneering
4. the domestic cross of one's parents.
5. 7 years of labor through your mother.
6. the provocative motto of the 1960s
7. 36·72.124 Family Blessings
8. a period of time during which one found lost days
Section 2 Providential Significance of Each Blessed Family
1. the significance of the Third Israel
2. Organization of the Third Israel through Blessed Families
3. 36 Providential Significance of Family Blessing
4. 72 Providential Significance of Family Blessing
5. 124 Providential Significance of Family Blessing
6. 430 Providential Significance of Family Blessing
7. 777 Providential Significance of Home Blessing
8. the significance of 1,800 family blessings
9. the significance of 6,000 family blessings
Section 3 Value and Mission of Blessed Families
1. the value of a blessed family
2. Blessed families should be guided by their parents.
3. The reason why you gave me a blessing.
4. Mission and Responsibility of Blessed Families
5. Blessed family to fulfill the mission of the priest.
6. Blessed families responsible for the mission of the three generations.
7. Be an ethnic messiah.
8. the mission of an established blessing family
9. the inevitable path of fate for a blessed family
10. the way a blessed couple should go
11. a global return to homely Canaan
12. a master of a new era
Section 4 Mission of International Blessing Families
1. a globalism centered on God
2. All human beings are one brother and one family.
3. the significance of an international joint wedding ceremony
4. Differences in East-West Civilization and International Marriage
5. the beginning of the era of international marriage
6. Mission of the International Blessing Family

Chapter 7 True Couples and Ideal Families

Section 1 True Couple
1. the relationship between the husband and wife in the birthplace of creation
2. the ideals of a true couple to be reinstated.
3. the position of a blessed couple
4. an ideal couple
5. the love of a couple
6. the fate of a couple
7. Why is it sad when a loved one dies?
8. the cooperation of a true couple
Section 2 or higher assumptions
1. an ideal family
2. a family with three generations connected.
3. Home is a training stamp for love.
4. Assumptions are the final criteria for completing celestialism.
5. Why should I have a son and a daughter?
6. the value of a blessed child
7. home heaven
8. the secret to entering heaven
Section 3 Blessed Family Life
1. a blessed family that should be a model
2. the family life of a blessed family
3. the married life of a blessed family
4. the meaningful life of a blessed family
5. the life of faith in a blessed family
6. the life of a blessed family
7. a life centered on the third rank
8. the communal living of blessed families
9. the way for future generations to be blessed
10. Even when you die, you must have expectations for your son-in-law.
Section 4 True Parents and Children
1. true parents and children
2. the principles of a true child
3. Let's be parents who inherit traditions.
4. parental love for one's children
5. Children should be loved by their parents.
6. a whip of love
7. I'm going to do my best for my descendants.
Section 5 Child Education
1. home education
2. true child education
3. a true patriotic education
4. education to live with the world
5. faith and study
6. Love is not learned.
7. a life course centered on love


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